
Corporate Governance Report

Corporate Governance Policy
Management and Executive Structure

SIIX Principles have been established as our corporate philosophy and are the basis for the corporate activities of all officers and employees, and the SIIX Group Code of Conduct has been established in accordance with these principles. In addition, based on the basic spirit of “”Fair”” in the SIIX Principles, we believe that strengthening corporate governance to govern corporate activities is an important management responsibility, and we are working to build and maintain an appropriate and effective corporate governance system.
The Company is a company with corporate auditors, and the Board of Corporate Auditors is composed of two external corporate auditors in addition to the internal auditors, to monitor and supervise management from an objective and neutral standpoint. The Board of Directors consists of nine directors (including three outside directors).
At monthly meetings of the Board of Directors, held with three auditors (including two outside auditors), the Board of Directors deliberates and decides on management-critical matters such as personnel matters, investment proposals, capital policies and budget plans from the perspective of enhancing corporate value and risk management. In accordance with the criteria for independent directors and corporate auditors established by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the Company designates all outside directors and corporate auditors who meet the qualifications for independent directors and corporate auditors as independent directors.

Corporate Governance System

Corporate Governance System


The SIIX Group complies with laws, regulations, and internal rules based on the Code of Conduct, and practices fair and honest management.

Standard 1

Compliance with Laws, Regulations and Company Rules

We (people working for SIIX Group) will well understand and observe all applicable laws and regulations of each country or region where we do business, as well as internal company rules such as the articles of association, internal policies and so on.

Standard 2

Practice of Fair and Open Management

We will not engage in any acts or behaviors that conflict with the interest of SIIX Group Companies. We will also respond to any anti-social forces with a firm and uncompromising attitude and will never provide money or other types of economic benefits to them. In addition, we will strive to maintain sound relationships with the governments and public administrations in the development of our business operations.


Compliance Promotion System

At SIIX Group, the Compliance Committee, chaired by the President of the Company, has been established as a reporting, deliberation and resolution body for compliance in accordance with the Compliance Regulations. Each year, the President presents a priority management policy on compliance at a company-wide meeting, and the status of compliance initiatives at each site is shared through the Compliance Officer assigned to each site who is in charge of promoting compliance activities.


Code of Business Ethics

In SIIX Group Code of Conduct, SIIX Group and its constituent officers, employees, and others express specific guidelines for promoting our sound and fair business activities, including legal compliance, corporate ethics, and social responsibility.

Code of Conduct

Anti-Bribery Policy

SIIX Group prohibits Bribery in its Code of Conduct. In addition, we reiterated its anti-bribery regulations in July 2014 to ensure fair and ethical transactions in the global business scene.
In addition, compliance officers assigned to each site provide education to each site on a daily basis. At company-wide meetings, all executives are educated and enlightened about Bribery in English, using materials written in both Japanese and English.

Whistleblowing Policy

SIIX Group’s Whistleblower Policy provides a system for employees and others to report and consult on organizational or individual violations of laws and regulations, as well as on improper acts. The regulations also stipulate that no dismissal or any other disadvantageous treatment will be given to whistleblowers for making such reports.
In addition, compliance officers assigned to each site provide education to each site on a daily basis. At company-wide meetings, all executives are educated and enlightened about Whistleblowing in English, using materials written in both Japanese and English.

Information Security

Our company has both trading company and manufacturer functions, mainly in the electronics-related field. Our basic policy is to be a “global business organizer” that can freely coordinate various needs scattered around the world and provide concrete business benefits (customer value) to our customers and we promote our corporate activities with the aim of “contributing to the activation of the social system and the progress of humankind by pursuing of the effective use of the world’s resources.



In order to realize this mission, we have set up “security goals” for the entire company and each department, with the following items as key themes.

  • Organizational reinforcement of internal security measures
  • Technological enhancement of internal security measures
  • Strengthening of external security measures
  • Promote the use of information with security in mind


We educate our employees on the relevant laws, regulations and contracts (especially confidentiality agreements with customers), and make it their duty to comply with these regulations.


We have established and are operating a management system that complies with ISO27001. We are working to continuously improve the effectiveness of this system.

Certification Summary /
Certificate of Approval




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